Amla, known as ‘Indian Gooseberry’ in English, is one of the hidden treasures in Ayurveda. Amla is a miracle fruit as it is a powerhouse of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, iron, and the list goes on. No doubt, why it is so commonly used in Indian households.
If you have never tasted amla, you might not like its slightly bitter and sour taste, however, you cannot also ignore the unlimited benefits that this tiny fruit has to offer.
So what’s the easy way out?
Amla Murabba is here to save your life and your health.
Murabba refers to sweet fruit reserve and can be made out of any fruit combined with sugar. So, if you were thinking that you won’t be able to consume amla due to its eccentric taste and will be deprived of its benefits, then Amla Murabba is one easy option for you.
Amla Murabba is one tasty dessert that not only hides the ripe taste of the fruit, but also offers a list of benefits that you are going to read about further in this article. Moreover, it is easy to make the murabba, just boil the amla first and then stir it in the spice sugar syrup. Some even make it by first steaming the amlas and then tossing them in the syrup.
Let’s move on to the health benefits associated with Amla Murabba:
Top 25 Health Benefits of Amla Murabba
Here is a long list of benefits offered by Amla Murabba that might end up with you making one:
1. Powerhouse of Nutrients
Amla Murabba contains vitamin A, E and C that makes it one of the best ways to boost immunity. Apart from that, you even get a good amount of Chromium, Zinc and Copper by consuming this sweet dessert.
2. Helps in Anti-Ageing
Due to being rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, Amla Murabba can slow down ageing by neutralising the free radicals in the body. It even prevents premature greying of hair.
3. Improved Metabolism
Amla murabba is alkaline in nature, hence, it can help in improving metabolism. This also helps in improving the functioning of the digestive system of the person.
4. Weight Loss
As amla murabba is known for improving metabolism, it can also help you in losing weight faster.
5. Helps with Indigestion
Amla or its Murabba is considered a good remedy to improve digestion with the help of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements present in the fruit. This sweet dessert even fixes the issue of bloating and gas.
6. Purifies Blood
Amla Muraaba is known to remove toxins from blood, purifying it and also cools down the heat of the blood. Hence, if you are suffering from infection in blood, consumption of Amla Murabba is beneficial for you.
7. Helps with Arthritis Pain
People who complain of joint pain, especially in winter can consume Amla Murabba. As it is a good source of vitamin C, Amla Murabba can help you get rid of joint pain and stiffness in joints.
8. Good for Bones Health
Amla Murabba has good amounts of calcium, phosphorus, and iron, hence, its regular consumption is beneficial in improving bone health making them stronger.
9. Removes Kidney Stones
If you are suffering from kidney stones, Amla Murabba can help you remove it, as the ascorbic acid present in the fruit stops the formation of kidney stones. Amla Murabba can help in breaking the stone and removing it through urine.
10. Glowing Skin
If you are looking for a glowing skin, consuming Amla Murabba can help you achieve a radiant skin. It has all the vitamins that give moisture to the skin, making it healthy and glowing.
11. Improves Heart Health
Amla Murabba is known to improve heart health as it contains high amounts of chromium that keeps a check on cholesterol level.
12. Helps with Cold
As Amla Murabba contains vitamin C, it can help in preventing cold, hence, is mostly consumed during winter season.
13. Energy Booster
Amla Murabba is a good source of fructose and sucrose that helps in providing energy to the body and should also be consumed by growing children.
14. Heals Acne and Scars
Amla Murabba is often considered a natural anabolic that can help in removing acne and scars from skin. Also, there are no side effects that make it completely safe to use.
15. Helps with Anaemia
If you are suffering from anaemia, consuming Amla Murabba can fill in the deficiency of iron in the body, which is mostly common in pregnant women and while menstruating.
16. Relieves Menstrual Cramps
As it is high in iron, Amla Murabba can help in relieving menstrual cramps if taken on a regular basis. You might stop experiencing menstrual cramps if you consume Amla Murabba everyday.
17. Improved Immunity
Amla Murabba is rich in vitamin A, C and E, which helps in preventing diseases ultimately improving the immunity of the body.
18. Keeps Cholesterol Level Under Control
If you are suffering due to high cholesterol level, consuming Amla Murabba can keep it under check as it contains high chromium and magnesium that reduces bad cholesterol.
19. Helps with Constipation
People suffering with constipation have benefitted from regular consumption of Amla, be it in any form like Amla powder, Amla Murabba or Amla juice.
20. Aids in Liver Functioning
Consuming Amla Murabba can keep your liver healthy as it removes the toxins from the body. If you are suffering from fatty liver, eating Amla Murabba on an everyday basis could be the best fit for you.
21. Improves Brain Performance
Eating Amla Murabba is also helpful in improving memory and reducing the risk of various brain-related diseases ultimately improving its health.
22. Strengthens the Lungs
The consumption of Amla Murabba can also help in strengthening lungs with the help of the antioxidants present in this fruit, ultimately improving your immunity.
23. Ensures Healthier Hair
Amla Murabba is known to be a great remedy for hair fall problems and its regular consumption can prevent early greying of hair, ensuring the proper health of your tresses.
24. Improves Eye Health
Vitamin C is known to be a boon for eye health, as it protects vision. As Amla Murabba is a good source of vitamin C and other useful nutrients, it can help in improving the vision of your eyes.
25. Improves Oral Hygiene
Amla has antibacterial properties, hence can be used in the powder form for strengthening teeth and gums. Even if you consume Amla Murabba, this can eliminate bad breath and maintain your oral hygiene.
Note- Since Amla Murabba is high in calories as there is sugar involved that too in large amounts, it is not advisable to be consumed in high quantities by diabetic patients.
Tip- You can replace sugar with jaggery to make Amla Murabba a healthier option.
Benefits of Eating Amla Murabba in Pregnancy
During pregnancy, a lot of things need to be avoided, however, seeing the numerous benefits of amla murabba, it can help pregnancy in multiple ways.
However, before you include amla or its murabba in your routine, make sure to consult your doctor first.
- Pregnant women suffering from anaemia can consume Amla Murabba to ensure a good level of iron is maintained in the body.
- Amla Murabba can also be consumed to get away with morning sickness, common during the initial stage of pregnancy.
- It also helps with constipation due to being rich in fibres.
- The problem of hair fall that is common with pregnant women can be avoided with proper consumption of amla murabba.
- What are the benefits of eating amla (India Gooseberry)?
Eating Amla or Indian Gooseberry has the following benefits:
- Promotes immunity
- Improves liver health
- Good for heart health
- Helps in hair growth
- Prevents early greying of hair
- Improves digestion and a lot more.
- Are there any benefits of eating amla on an empty stomach?
Eating Amla on an empty stomach can help in the detoxification of the liver and also helps in relieving constipation.
- How many amlas can I eat in a day?
It is normally recommended to eat about 1-2 amla per day or as per your taste. You can take it in the raw form, amla juice, amla powder or amla murabba. Do not eat more than 2 amlas in a day.
- What is the best time to eat amla?
For maximum benefit, it is recommended to have amla early in the morning on an empty stomach.
The information provided in this article is purely educational and informative in nature. This should not be interpreted as medical advice, and the reader is advised to consult a certified medical or healthcare professional before proceeding with the practical application of the information given above.
Meet Khushboo Chhibber – A dedicated yogini on a mission to promote mental and physical well-being through yoga. With a daily yoga practice, she shares her knowledge of yoga poses and the profound benefits they bring. Join Khushboo on this transformative journey to embrace inner peace and harmony. Namaste.