Benefits of Suryanamaskar

Surya Namaskar, often referred to as Sun Salutation, is a dynamic yoga sequence that has been celebrated for its incredible health benefits and spiritual significance for centuries. This holistic practice combines asanas (yoga postures) with rhythmic breathing to create a harmonious union of mind, body, and spirit. 

In this blog, we will delve deep into the 20 benefits of Surya Namaskar, exploring its physical advantages, and mental wellness aspects, and even addressing common concerns like whether it’s suitable during menstruation.

20 Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Here are the 20 benefits of Surya Namaskar:

  1. Full-Body Workout
  2. Enhanced Flexibility
  3. Weight Management
  4. Improved Digestion
  5. Stronger Core
  6. Glowing Skin
  7. Better Cardiovascular Health
  8. Balanced Hormones
  9. Detoxification
  10. Improved Posture
  11. Enhanced Post-Workout Recovery
  12. Stress Reduction
  13. Enhanced Concentration
  14. Emotional Balance
  15. Boosted Self-Esteem
  16. Spiritual Connection
  17. Improved Sleep
  18. Enhanced Lung Capacity
  19. Increased Energy Levels
  20. Balanced Chakras

Physical Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar, often hailed as the Sun Salutation is more than a sequence of yoga postures. It’s a transformative journey for your physical well-being, offering a comprehensive range of benefits that engage every muscle and system in your body. In this section, we’ll explore the remarkable physical advantages that this ancient practice brings to the forefront of your fitness and vitality.

1. Full-Body Workout

When you embark on a Surya Namaskar session, you’re essentially embarking on a comprehensive fitness journey. Each graceful posture within the sequence engages various muscle groups, providing a workout for your entire body. From the powerful push-up-like motion in the “Chaturanga Dandasana” to the dynamic backbend of the “Urdhva Mukha Svanasana,” every muscle, from your arms and chest to your legs and back, gets a thorough workout. This all-encompassing approach promotes overall fitness by toning and sculpting your physique.

2. Enhanced Flexibility

Flexibility is often underestimated in the realm of fitness. Yet, it’s a fundamental aspect of well-being. Regular Surya Namaskar practice is like a gentle but effective stretching routine. As you gracefully transition from one pose to another, your muscles lengthen and become more supple. This newfound flexibility not only allows you to perform yoga postures with greater ease but also translates into increased agility in your daily life. Whether reaching for a high shelf or bending down to tie your shoelaces, enhanced flexibility is your gateway to grace.

3. Weight Management

Weight management is a common goal for many, and Surya Namaskar can be a potent ally in this journey. The sequence doesn’t just burn calories; it supercharges your metabolism. The continuous flow of poses followed by synchronized breathing boosts your metabolic rate, making your body more efficient at burning calories even hours after your yoga session. This metabolic magic can play a pivotal role in shedding those extra pounds and maintaining a healthy weight.

4. Improved Digestion

Surya Namaskar is not just about outward physical benefits; it’s also a boon for your internal systems. The dynamic nature of this practice stimulates the digestive organs, including the stomach, liver, and intestines. This gentle massage-like effect on your internal organs helps improve digestion and encourages better absorption of nutrients from the food you consume. It’s like giving your digestive system a well-deserved tune-up, promoting overall gut health.

5. Stronger Core

Your core muscles are the foundation of stability and good posture. The Surya Namaskar sequence places a significant emphasis on core engagement, especially during poses like the “Plank” and “Navasana.” As you flow through these postures, you’ll feel your abdominal muscles working hard to maintain balance and control. Over time, this leads to a stronger core, which not only enhances your yoga practice but also improves your posture in daily activities, reducing the risk of back pain and injuries.

6. Glowing Skin

The benefits of Surya Namaskar extend beyond the physical and delve into the realm of beauty. The increased blood circulation generated by this practice rejuvenates your skin from within. This enhanced circulation brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells, promoting a healthy, natural glow. As you continue your Surya Namaskar journey, you may notice that your skin appears more radiant and vibrant, reflecting the inner vitality cultivated through this practice.

7. Better Cardiovascular Health

Surya Namaskar incorporates rhythmic breathing patterns that synchronize with the physical postures. This synchronization creates a cardiovascular workout that’s gentle yet effective. Controlled breathing enhances lung capacity and oxygenates the body, promoting better cardiovascular health. Regular practice can lead to improved heart function, reduced risk of heart disease, and an overall sense of vitality.

8. Balanced Hormones

Hormonal imbalances can affect both men and women, leading to various health issues. Surya Namaskar has the remarkable ability to help regulate hormones. The combination of physical postures and controlled breathing affects the endocrine system positively, promoting hormonal balance. For women, this can be particularly beneficial in managing menstrual irregularities and menopausal symptoms.

9. Detoxification

Sweating is one of the body’s natural ways to eliminate toxins, and Surya Namaskar encourages just that. The practice induces a healthy sweat, facilitating the elimination of harmful substances from the body. This detoxification process, combined with deep breathing, purifies the body and leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated from the inside out.

10. Improved Posture

In the age of smartphones and sedentary jobs, poor posture has become a prevalent issue. Surya Namaskar can be your antidote to these modern-day postural woes. By strengthening the muscles responsible for good posture and by promoting body awareness, this practice can help correct postural issues. As your posture improves, you’ll find yourself standing taller and feeling more confident in your everyday activities.

11. Enhanced Post-Workout Recovery

Surya Namaskar serves as an excellent complement to other physical activities and workouts. After an intense exercise session, your muscles and joints may experience fatigue and tension. Practicing Surya Namaskar post-workout can be a rejuvenating experience. The gentle, flowing movements help stretch and relax tired muscles, reducing post-exercise soreness. It promotes better circulation, aiding in the removal of metabolic waste products like lactic acid, which can accumulate during intense workouts. This enhanced recovery not only speeds up the healing process but also prepares your body for subsequent exercise sessions, allowing you to maintain a consistent fitness regimen with a reduced risk of injury. So, whether you’re a dedicated athlete or an occasional exerciser, consider incorporating Surya Namaskar into your post-workout routine for enhanced muscle and joint recovery.

Mental and Emotional Benefits

The 12 poses of Surya Namaskar aren’t just physical exercises; it’s a holistic journey that encompasses mental and emotional well-being. Let’s delve into the profound mental and emotional benefits this ancient practice offers:

1. Stress Reduction

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress and anxiety have become unwelcome companions. Surya Namaskar provides a sanctuary of serenity amidst this chaos. As you flow through the sequence with focused breath and mindful movements, a deep sense of calm washes over you. The meditative aspect of the practice soothes the mind, helping you release tension and reduce stress. With each sun salutation, you embark on a journey to a more tranquil state of being.

2. Enhanced Concentration

One of the remarkable benefits of regular Surya Namaskar practice is its impact on concentration. In a world filled with distractions, cultivating a sharp and focused mind is a precious asset. The rhythmic nature of Surya Namaskar, where each movement seamlessly flows into the next, demands your full attention. Over time, this sharpening of focus extends beyond your yoga mat into your daily life. You find yourself better equipped to concentrate on tasks, make decisions with clarity, and navigate the challenges of a fast-paced world.

3. Emotional Balance

Life is a rollercoaster of emotions, but Surya Namaskar can help you find balance amid the ups and downs. Regular practice acts as an emotional anchor, helping you manage mood swings and promoting emotional stability. The combination of movement and breathwork in Surya Namaskar regulates the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are closely linked to mood. As a result, you experience a greater sense of emotional equilibrium, enabling you to respond to life’s challenges with grace and composure.

4. Boosted Self-Esteem

Surya Namaskar is not just about physical accomplishments; it’s a journey of self-empowerment. As you progress in your practice, achieving physical and mental milestones, your self-esteem receives a significant boost. The sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering challenging poses or deepening your meditation practice transcends into other aspects of your life. You start to believe in your capabilities and develop a profound sense of self-confidence. This newfound self-assuredness empowers you to tackle life’s challenges with resilience and self-belief.

5. Spiritual Connection

While Surya Namaskar has undeniable physical and mental benefits, it also holds deep spiritual significance for many practitioners. It is often viewed as a spiritual journey that fosters a profound connection with the self and the universe. The practice encourages introspection and self-discovery. It’s a gateway to exploring your inner world, understanding your thoughts and emotions, and finding a sense of purpose and meaning. Surya Namaskar becomes a sacred ritual that aligns your physical existence with your spiritual essence, nurturing a deeper sense of connection and harmony with the universe.

Additional Benefits

Beyond the well-known physical and mental advantages, Surya Namaskar offers a range of additional benefits that contribute to a holistic sense of well-being and vitality:

1. Improved Sleep

Quality sleep is the foundation of good health, and Surya Namaskar can pave the way to restful nights. Regular practitioners often report improved sleep patterns and better sleep quality. The practice’s calming effect on the nervous system, combined with reduced stress and anxiety, creates an ideal environment for a peaceful night’s rest. As you embrace Surya Namaskar as part of your daily routine, you may find that you wake up feeling more refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to face the day ahead.

2. Enhanced Lung Capacity

Surya Namaskar is not just about physical postures; it’s also a journey into the art of controlled breathing. The synchronized breathwork during the practice enhances lung capacity. As you move through the sequence, you’ll find that your breath becomes deeper and more controlled. This increased lung capacity not only improves your overall respiratory health but also leaves you feeling more energized and oxygenated. It’s like breathing life into every cell of your body, leaving you invigorated and ready to tackle challenges.

3. Increased Energy Levels

Surya Namaskar offers a natural and sustainable energy boost in a world where caffeine and energy drinks often serve as quick fixes for fatigue. The practice stimulates the body’s vital energy centers, leaving you feeling revitalized throughout the day. Unlike the temporary jolt provided by caffeine, the energy derived from Surya Namaskar is enduring. It’s a steady and consistent surge of vitality that fuels your physical and mental activities without the subsequent energy crashes.

4. Balanced Chakras

Surya Namaskar is deeply rooted in the principles of yoga and Ayurveda, and it’s believed to have a profound impact on the body’s energy centers, known as chakras. Each pose in the sequence corresponds to specific chakras, and as you move through them, you’re thought to balance and align these energy centers. This balancing act promotes a harmonious energy flow throughout your body, fostering physical and emotional well-being. It’s like tuning an instrument to create a symphony of balance and vitality within.

Surya Namaskar: More Than Just a Physical Exercise

Surya Namaskar is more than just a physical exercise; it’s a holistic approach to well-being. Its benefits are not limited to the body alone; they extend to the mind and spirit, creating harmony in one’s life. By incorporating Surya Namaskar into your daily routine, you can embark on a transformative journey toward a healthier, happier, and more balanced self. So, embrace the sun’s energy with open arms and experience the radiant benefits of Surya Namaskar for yourself.


Can I do Surya Namaskar during periods?

Yes, during menstruation, you can practice Surya Namaskar with modifications, excluding inverted poses. Opt for gentler variations and a slower pace to ensure comfort and well-being while respecting your body’s needs.

What is the recommended daily count of Surya Namaskar? 

Start with a modest 3 rounds and gradually increase to 7. Eventually, aim to perform a minimum of 12 rounds daily. In the initial week, start with 3 rounds, focusing on slow, mindful execution, synchronized with controlled breathing. Experience the spinal stretch and enhanced blood circulation throughout your body.

What are the 10 benefits of Surya Namaskar?

Here are 10 benefits of Surya Namaskar:

  1. Full-Body Workout
  2. Enhanced Flexibility
  3. Weight Management
  4. Improved Digestion
  5. Stronger Core
  6. Glowing Skin
  7. Better Cardiovascular Health
  8. Balanced Hormones
  9. Detoxification
  10. Improved Posture

Disclaimer: The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice or guidance. It is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before attempting any new exercise or yoga poses, especially if you have existing health conditions or injuries. The yoga poses mentioned are intended to be practiced under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor to ensure proper alignment and safety. If you experience any discomfort or pain while attempting these poses, stop immediately and seek medical attention. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition.

Also Read: A Beginner’s Guide to Yoga: Poses, Types, Benefits, and More